2017 Book Week Parade
General News

Today was a wonderful day for the College and especially in the life of the P-4 as we celebrated Book Week. Book Week was established by the Children’s Book Council of Australia in 1945 with the aim of engaging the community with literature for young children. Each year, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating books, and Australian authors and illustrators.
This year, the theme for Book Week was Escape to Everywhere. At William Clarke we used the classic story ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ by Enid Blyton to develop our Book Week theme. Each class from P-4, with their teachers, came dressed as one of the ‘Lands’ that arrives at the top of the Faraway Tree. In preparation for the Book Week Parade classes were busily making banners and designing their costumes to reflect their ‘Land.’
In the lead up to Book Week, each class had the opportunity to read ‘The Enchanted Wood’ which is the first book in the series and introduces the students to the story, setting and main characters of The Magic Faraway Tree. It was very evident the children were completely engaged with the story and Book Week theme for this year.
The parade held today was a wonderful experience for all. It was made even more special with our Prep 3-Day students joining in on the parade accompanying their class buddies.
The range of costumes and colour made the parade look even more spectacular. The children had a terrific time marching around the school and really appreciated the older students taking an active interest in the event.
The parade was expertly led by Old Saucepan Man (aka Dr Marsh) accompanied by a band of skilled musicians from the older years. In support of Old Saucepan Man was Silky the Fairy, enthusiastically played by Mrs Stillen who added colour and vibrancy to the parade. It was also special for us to have Dame Washlot (Mrs Pope) and the author of the The Magic Faraway Tree, Enid Blyton (Miss Yule) join the students as we made our way around the College.
Following the parade students heard from Dame Washlot and Old Saucepan Man about the importance and value of having young children read from such an early age.
The day’s activities continued as the children enjoyed a performance by Super Duper, from the company Perform! Educational Musicals. The performance witnessed by the children was dynamic and interactive and specifically created to celebrate Book Week.
The year’s Book Week Parade was another outstanding day in the life of the College.