Year 9 and 10 Shark Tank Students at William Clarke College, NSW

General News

Congratulations to our 2022 Year 9 and 10 Shark Tank students – George A, Shahil G, Amy G, Alisha A, Aarya A, Kiarra B and Jasleen S who received their certificates at assembly this week for winning three of the four categories in the NSW Hackathon (entrepreneurial) competition run by Charles Sturt University late last year.

Shark Tank is one of our Xplore elective subjects offered to our Year 9 and 10 students. It aims to provide students with the tools to develop a business and entrepreneurial mindset so that they can build their own future.

During their lesson period, students were presented with a scenario that they needed to develop a product for. Kiarra B and Jasleen S who won the Engineering category were required to develop a portable product that would assist with lifting a tractor over a fence. Using their Design and Technology skills they designed a portable ramp system complete with dimension and material specifications. Kiarra and Jasleen both enjoyed the experience and were thrilled with the win.

Many Thanks to Mrs Ephraim and Mrs Wong who encouraged the students to apply for the NSW Hackathon competition.

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