Caring for Country Walk
General News

Warami Middigara – Hello Friends
Budyari naady’unya Darug nuruwa- Good to see you on Darug Country
This week the College celebrated NAIDOC week. Activities took place across the College culminating in a Caring for Country walk on Wednesday afternoon. This was a lovely afternoon where students and staff were joined by parents and carers in a walk to and from Fred Caterson reserve. Along the way they were encouraged to care for country by picking up litter. The students were enthusiastic in their desire to pick up litter with many of them returning to the College with their bags full. After the walk participants enjoyed a Community barbeque and an opportunity to chat in the afternoon sunshine.
We thank those who participated in the Caring for Country Walk. We are surrounded by beautiful country and it is important that all of us do what we can to care for it.