Whitlam What Matters 2023 Competition
General News

The College congratulates Stephanie G (Year 9), Ellina G (Year 11) and Abigail F (Year 12), who have been shortlisted in the Whitlam What Matters 2023 competition. This year’s competition received 2991 entries, across 691 schools from all over Australia. The competition allows students to freely express their views and raise their voice on issues that are important to them. The College’s English faculty encourages students across the Secondary school to enter each year as part of their discursive text assessments.
Stephanie, Ellina and Abigail’s stories were all eloquent and insightful, mixed with humour and sadness. When asked where they found their inspiration, they all enthusiastically agreed that it came from their passion to read for pleasure in their every day.
To read their stories along with others that were shortlisted, please click here: https://www.whitlam.org/what-matters-2023-shortlist