
Enrolment Process at William Clarke College in NSW

Thank you for considering William Clarke College. Please do not hesitate to contact our Enrolments Team to discuss how we can partner with you in educating your child or children.

How to Enrol

We welcome interested parents/carers to lodge applications for our College. Our enrolment intake years are:

  • Preparatory school (student turning 4 before the 31 March of entry year)
    Please apply 12 months or more prior to entry.
  • Kindergarten (student turning 5 before the 31 March of entry year)
    Please apply 12 months or more prior to entry.
  • Year 7
    Please apply 24 months or more prior to entry.
  • Year 11
    Please apply 12 months or more prior to entry.

You are more than welcome to lodge an application for non-intake years (i.e. Years 1-6 or Years 8-10) at any time, however, please note vacancies do not often occur in these year groups.

The College will accept only ONE application per student. If you are intending to amend an existing application, please contact the Enrolments Office.

The College anticipates that applications for enrolment will be assessed in the following timeframes:

  • Kindergarten and Year 5 2026 – February/March 2025
  • Preparatory 2026 – June/July 2025
  • Year 7 2027 – July 2025
  • Year 11 2026 – Mid-September 2025

Applications for Year 7 2026 received now will be placed on the registered student list for consideration should future vacancies arise.

We look forward to receiving an application from you in the near future. One of our friendly Enrolments team members welcome your call or email on (02) 8882 2400 or [email protected].

Please refer to the Enrolment Journey graphic below for some helpful information regarding our enrolment process and timeline.

To view our K-12 FAQs page, please click here.  For Preparatory School FAQ’s please click here.

You can view our Standard Collection Notice here.

Enrolment Application Form Enrolment Policy
How to Enrol

Enrolment Journey

College Tour

Families are welcome to book a Student-led tour at any stage in the process. Tour dates are communicated via the College website and are held multiple times each term. College tours give prospective families the opportunity to hear from key College Staff as well as view College facilities.

Information Evening

Prospective parents are invited to attend an Information Evening with the Head of College during the enrolment process. These dates will be communicated via email, College website and social media.

Apply to Enrol

Applications are welcome at least 24 months before entry (except Preparatory School which is 12 months).
Please complete the Enrolment Application Form - you will need to have the following documents ready for uploading: 

  1. Proof of Citizenship
    • -Student's Aust. passport bio data page; or
    • -Aust. Birth Certificate; or
    • -Aust. Citizenship document; or
    • -Aust. Visa.
  2. Medicare Immunisation History Statement; and
  3. Other documents that may be relevant (see the Enrolment form preamble)

Please note: Application fee applies.

Registered Student List

Fully completed applications are processed and acknowledgement letters sent.

Supporting Documents

Prior to interviews being organised, families are sent a pro-forma asking for details about the student. This is returned to the College along with school reports and other useful information such as NAPLAN results, specialist reports (where relevant).


The Enrolment Process document has information regarding when interviews happen during the year, who is involved, and the nature of the interview.

Offer of Placement

A Letter of Offer is sent to successful applicants along with ‘Conditions of Enrolment’ (CoE) – the contract between College and families. Offers are to be accepted within a few weeks. Enrolment fee applies.

Acceptance of Offer

Placement is secured once the signed CoE is returned to the College and the enrolment fee is paid. Orientation events happen towards the end of the school year.


Apply to Enrol

Apply to Enrol

Applications are welcome at least 24 months before entry (except Preparatory School which is 12 months).
Please complete the Enrolment Application Form - you will need to have the following documents ready for uploading: 

  1. Proof of Citizenship
    • -Student's Aust. passport bio data page; or
    • -Aust. Birth Certificate; or
    • -Aust. Citizenship document; or
    • -Aust. Visa.
  2. Medicare Immunisation History Statement; and
  3. Other documents that may be relevant (see the Enrolment form preamble)

Please note: Application fee applies.

Student list Vector at William Clarke College in NSW
Registered Student List

Registered Student List

Fully completed applications are processed and acknowledgement letters sent.

Enrolment Journey at William Clarke College in NSW
Supporting Documents

Supporting Documents

Prior to interviews being organised, families are sent a pro-forma asking for details about the student. This is returned to the College along with school reports and other useful information such as NAPLAN results, specialist reports (where relevant).



The Enrolment Process document has information regarding when interviews happen during the year, who is involved, and the nature of the interview.

Offer of Placement

Offer of Placement

A Letter of Offer is sent to successful applicants along with ‘Conditions of Enrolment’ (CoE) – the contract between College and families. Offers are to be accepted within a few weeks. Enrolment fee applies.

Acceptance of Offer Step in the Enrolment Process at William Clarke College, NSW
Acceptance of Offer

Acceptance of Offer

Placement is secured once the signed CoE is returned to the College and the enrolment fee is paid. Orientation events happen towards the end of the school year.


College Grounds (3)
Facilities (6)
Facilities (1)
Facilities (10)
Barbara Newton Artist Visit (21)
Year 7 Cooking (3)
College Grounds (8)
Facilities (12)
SS_Dance (27)
Facilities (15)
Facilities (14)
College Grounds (28)
PA hall-4
Secondary Music Showcase (26)
Urinetown Musical (28)
K-6 Hall-4

Supporting Students with Diverse Learning Needs

The College collaborates with parents, carers and students to ensure that students with diverse learning needs or disability can participate in College life on the same basis as students without disability.

Where there is a need or requirement identified during the enrolments process, the College engages in a collaborative planning process with the family. This is led by a Diverse Learning Teacher. The purpose of this process is to consult the family to understand the student’s specific needs and requirements at school, collaborate with other healthcare professionals or educators with respect to those needs, and identify potential solutions or adjustments to genuinely meet those needs. Through this dialogue both the family and the College will develop a shared understanding of the applicant’s specific requirements and the typical adjustments that can be expected should the family receive and accept an offer of enrolment.

The collaborative planning process usually results in any adjustments required being recorded in a document called an Individual Plan (IP). A draft IP is first shared with the family for their confirmation before being shared with class teachers in readiness for the commencement of the new student. The Diverse Learning Teacher is the family’s main contact regarding the IP’s implementation and review.

During the enrolments process, families who have questions about supports or adjustments related to disability can contact the Enrolments office or the Director of Diverse Learning.


The Disability Standards for Education

The College's approach to disability is informed by the Standards- legislation that describes a school’s obligations and the rights of students with a disability. We uphold the rights of students with disability to participate in College life, access curriculum, and receive general support on the same basis of students without disability. We affirm the rights of students with disability to access specialised support and enjoy an environment free from harassment or victimisation. 

A concise summary of the Standards can be found here.

International Students

International students should access these documents for more information on studying at William Clarke College. Please note the College does not use education agents in its enrolment process.

All inquiries regarding the enrolment of international students should be directed to the Enrolments Office on [email protected] or (02) 8882 2400.

Fee Schedule

Tuition Fees 2025

Prep 2-day $ 9,872 $ 2,468
Prep 3-day $ 14,808 $ 3,702
K-4 $ 16,511 $ 4,127.75
Years 5-8 $ 17,316 $ 4,329
Years 9-10 $ 17,692 $ 4,423
Year 11 $ 18,534 $ 4,633.50
Year 12 $ 18,534 $ 6,178

NB: Year 12 tuition fees are charged over three terms only.

2025 Extras Charges
Extra charges are the additional fees over and above the Tuition fee and include a Year Levy for compulsory charges and other charges for discretionary activities. The Year Levy includes excursions, incursions, camps, elective subject fees, swimming and athletics carnivals that apply to all students in each year group. Click here for a copy of the Fee Structure which includes a full list of the annual year levy per year group. 

Financial Assistance and Discounts

The College provides financial assistance and discounts on tuition fees for students in the following situations:

  1. Financial Assistance (Pre-enrolment) - During the enrolment process, for families in circumstances that have a major impact on their ability to financially afford full fees (conditions apply and there is an application process);
  2. Financial Assistance (Post-enrolment) - Where, subsequent to starting enrolment at the College , a family’s circumstances change, having a major impact on their ability to continue to financially afford full fees (conditions apply and there is an application process);
  3. A Special Circumstances Discount – Upon the death of a parent, the College will offer 100% relief from fees for a period of 6 months (or two terms);
  4. A Ministry Discount - Where one of their parents is in full-time Protestant Christian Ministry (conditions apply and there is an application process);
  5. A Staff Discount - Where one parent of a student is in employment at the College.
  6. A Sibling Discount - Where families have 3 or more concurrent students enrolled in K-12 at William Clarke College, a sibling discount is provided for 20% for Child 3, 30% for Child 4 and 50% for Child 5 onwards.

For further information please email [email protected].

Financial Assistance Information Guide May 2022