Do we have to be Christian and go to a church to be enrolled?
William Clarke College welcomes families from all cultures and religious backgrounds. Our College is a Christ-centred community; therefore, families are expected to support Christian teachings in the classroom, and students attend chapel and other Christian practices. It is also anticipated that every student will be open to exploring the importance of Christ in their lives.
Can I tour the College campus?
Yes, we have regular College Tours each term. Please visit our website for tour bookings.
What is the selective process/criteria for enrolment at WCC?
This can be found on our website.
- Family links with a church
- Willingness to be part of a Christ-Centred Community
- Sibling(s) at the College
- Parent or sibling who is a past student at the College
- School reports, test results or aptitudes
- Co-curricular skills and involvement
- Class sizes
- The ability of the College to provide an ideal learning environment for the student’s academic, social, physical and emotional needs
No one of these things is the decisive factor. Just as families are free to choose their school, the College is also free to select families best suited to our education.
How far in advance should I apply?
We encourage interested families to apply at least 24 months prior to entry. Interviews for Year 7 will start 18 months before entry, Kindergarten 12 months before entry and Preparatory School 6 months before entry. Interviews for other Year groups will occur when places are available.
Does an application guarantee a place?
No. The Director of Enrolments/Registrar reviews all the material that has been submitted and selects applicants for interview.
Do we offer academic, music or sporting scholarships?
Is there an entrance test for applying?
We do not have an entrance test to secure a position at the College; however, when enrolled students enter in Year 7, there is a general ability test; the results will supplement the information gained from school reports and be used to help determine class groupings.
Does entry into Preparatory guarantee entry into Kindergarten?
Yes, the College assumes that all students in the Preparatory school will progress to Kindergarten.
What is the age for Kindergarten entry?
All Kindergarten students should have turned five by the end of March the year they are in Kindergarten. Applicants for Kindergarten are considered after places for our current Preparatory students and siblings are offered.
Does entry into the Primary School guarantee entry into Year 7?
Yes, the College assumes that all students enrolling in the Primary School will progress into Year 7 once they have completed Year 6.
What is the intake for Year 7?
We aim to enrol approximately 200 students in Year 7.
A portion of those places are reserved for our current Year 6 students. Following that, the College gives priority to applications from siblings of current students. Subsequently, all other applications are taken into consideration.
What will happen if our application is unsuccessful?
If an application is unsuccessful, it will be placed on the registered students list for any vacancies that may arise in the years to come. We will keep in touch to ask if you are still interested in a position should it become available.
Do you have before and after-school/vacation care?
We desire to support and collaborate with parents by offering before and after-school/vacation care and vacation care for students from Preparatory to Year 6.
What transport links are there to and from the College?
Information about transport links to William Clarke College can be found on the Transport NSW website and CDC NSW website.
Bus: A large number of buses provide transport to and from the College. Parents/carers are advised to contact the local bus companies, such as CDC and Busways, directly to determine what services are available.
Train: Some bus companies pick up from Hills Showground and other surrounding train stations.
Car: Parents/carers may drive their children to and from the College. There are ‘Kiss and Drop’ zones in the Primary School carpark and on Morris Grove.
Does the College offer fee relief?
Yes. The College has a financial assistance program. It is not based on academic, music or sporting ability. We take the number of students enrolled at the College as one criterion for consideration.
Does the College offer a sibling discount?
Where families have 3 or more concurrent students enrolled in K-12 at William Clarke College, a sibling discount is provided for 20% for Child 3, 30% for Child 4 and 50% for Child 5 onwards.
Does the College have a wide selection of subjects for the HSC?
Yes. The College offers a wide variety of subjects so that students can pursue their interests through to the HSC. The comprehensive range of courses are designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills and understanding required for academic success as well as preparing them for post-Secondary School opportunities. More information about our subject selection can be found in the Prospectus.
Are there specialist teachers in the Primary School?
Besides their classroom teachers, K-6 students benefit from LANS (Literacy and Numeracy Specialist), who assist in our small group approach to literacy and numeracy. In addition, students in K-6 students have specialist teachers for Science and Technology, Library, Music, and Physical Education. Years 5 & 6 students have additional specialist classes/teachers in Visual Arts and Drama. More details on Primary Curriculum can be found on our website.
Does the College teach languages other than English?
The College offers French to all students in Year 8 and is exploring options for Years 9-12 in future years.
Can the College provide special help if our child needs it?
Yes. When parents are concerned about their child’s engagement with College life or learning, they can contact their child’s class teacher in Primary School or Year Co-ordinator in Secondary School. A referral process may be actioned which involves consultation with Counselling and Diverse Learning staff. Sometimes, the outcome of the referral process is a recommendation for the family to consult an external professional.
The College engages in a collaborative planning process with families who have a child with a disability that disadvantages their participation in College activities. This process involves identifying key barriers to the child’s participation and determining reasonable adjustments that will be implemented to support the student.
In the Primary years, small group interventions are generally provided to students who do not meet grade-level benchmarks in reading, spelling, and mathematics.
Does the College have a sports program?
The College has a proud sporting history and offers a wide variety of sports through its Co-curricular program. Students are able to compete against other schools in both the Hills Zone Sports Association and the Combined Independent Schools Sports Council. In addition, students are able to participate in developmental programs, gala days, lunchtime, and Inter-house sports. Sport is generally before and after school and not on weekends in most instances.
Does the College have any outdoor education programs?
From Year 3 onwards, camps are an important component of our College curriculum, designed strategically to support the learning and development of our students. They present opportunities for relationship building in different settings to the regular classroom. Our Years 7-10 students undertake camps of increasing demands in the outdoor education space.
The College also strongly supports students participating in The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award.