Life at the College

Our students excel academically, reach great heights on the sporting field and perform brilliantly and beautifully in the arts. Students seek to serve each other and others in need. Students are supported to progress substantially at school and are challenged to grow in ways that will equip them to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Teaching and Learning

As we seek to develop extraordinary learners, we value the holistic development of our students. We know that there is an inextricable link between maximising a student’s progress and the pursuit of a holistic education, and we are passionate about making learning a journey that is intrinsically rewarding. In creating this culture, students are more likely to thrive as a natural response to their interests and passions. We also strive to develop sophisticated learners who are able to think critically and creatively and apply their knowledge meaningfully in different contexts.
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Preparatory School

Every child is unique and learns in different ways. By encouraging each child to investigate and explore their own areas of interest, we provide a dynamic and engaging curriculum that enables our students to be active participants in their unique learning journey.

Preparatory School offers a school readiness program that seeks to build on the learning experiences our children have had and encourage them to learn in a more formal environment. Children are encouraged to investigate, explore, observe and respond to new experiences and situations.

The College currently offers either two 3-day programs (Monday to Wednesday) or a 2-day program (Thursday & Friday) to Preparatory families, and each class has a maximum of 25 children.

For more information please contact our Enrolments Officer on 8882 2400.

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Primary School

Students commence their school journey in a Christ-centred environment that fosters curiosity and enables individuals to better understand themselves and how they learn.

The College has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to ensuring that all children achieve the right start in their schooling journey. These formative years prioritise the building of foundational literacy and numeracy skills in our youngest students so that ultimately, they are well-positioned to experience success as extraordinary learners.

At William Clarke College we believe this foundation is best established in small groups. The College’s strategic decision to invest considerably in additional Literacy and Numeracy teaching specialists, enables all students to be supported to make great progress in these important early years. In addition to a main classroom teacher, students will also work with specialist staff who have been specifically assigned to deliver literacy and numeracy in a small group context.

Our staff have been trained in explicit instruction, a well-researched method that supports students’ ability to understand new content. By prioritising additional teaching staff, we are able to structure learning in small groups so that we can:

• Provide targeted instruction
• Enhance student engagement
• Promptly identify gaps in knowledge
• Foster meaningful one-on-one relationships
• Collect relevant data and closely monitor

You can view our NAPLAN results for Years 3 and 5 on the My School website.

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Secondary School

We actively encourage our Secondary students to become owners and directors of their own learning, equipping them with the essential knowledge, skills and attributes for success beyond success at school. We call this Deep Learning.

Extraordinary learners engage in Deep Learning through meaningful and authentic, real-world learning experiences that develop Christ-like Character, Academic Mastery and Enterprise Skills. We achieve this through a future-focussed curriculum that equips students with a strong sense of agency. Our approach to learning in the Secondary years empowers students to take control of their future by pursuing and developing their unique strengths, passions and interests.

From 2022, the College will approach this through three stages:

Foundation - In Years 7 and 8 students build their Foundation for Deep Learning, strengthening their skills and knowledge in and across core disciplines.

Exploration - In Years 9 and 10 students continue to build proficiency in the core disciplines and explore their passions and interests through an extensive range of elective options aligned to knowledge, personal interest and future careers.

Acceleration - In Years 11 and 12 students elect to study courses for the Higher School Certificate to accelerate their learning into life beyond the College.

Across all three stages, Secondary School students attend three extended learning blocks rather than a traditional six period day. We strongly believe this provides more time to dive deeply into rich concepts, presents greater opportunities to engage in authentic, real-world problems and further develops Enterprise Skills and Christ-like Character.

In 2022, our students in the Secondary School will also be supported on their learning journey through their participation in a unique character program where a Mentor is assigned to every student who will travel alongside them throughout their time at the College.

You can view our NAPLAN results for Years 7 and 9 on the My School website.

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Character Education

As a College, we take an intentional approach to Character Education. We believe Character Education is an essential aspect of our pursuit of student formation.

As educators, we believe it is our responsibility to not merely equip our students with the knowledge and skills that are necessary for academic success, but rather partner with parents in the holistic process of personal formation.

It is of vital importance to recognise and educate our students as whole persons. When we speak of character, we refer to the aggregate sense of identity, thoughts, values, attitudes, motives and habits of a person. At William Clarke College, we have chosen to focus on five principal virtues to develop in our students:

  • Compassion
  • Courage
  • Hope
  • Humility
  • Integrity

A focus on Character Education helps us flourish as human beings and as learners. People of good character form rewarding, loving and trusting relationships that allow for healthier communities and societies. Within such environments, students are free to flourish as learners and as members of society. Such flourishing enables improved academic outcomes, empowers students to take initiative and importantly, to love and serve others. As a community, we believe that a focus on character supports stronger relationships across all members of the broader community.

  • Character Education has a range of practical benefits. It generates positive wellbeing outcomes by:
  • Fostering the formation of caring communities
  • Developing a positive moral climate, which helps to create safe learning environments
  • Generating a culture in which individuals are respected and valued
  • Providing students with skills for navigating relationships
  • Engendering a passion for excellence and cultivating the hearts of students to live as responsible and considerate citizens.

We take a whole school approach to Character Education, where the teaching and nurturing of key virtues are taught explicitly as well as implicitly. We engage both the hearts and minds of our students so that they not only develop the literacy of character virtues, but also the desire to adopt such virtues in their own lives. We therefore design opportunities and encourage our students to put these virtues into practice, so that they become habits that allow them to flourish in accordance with their God-given identity and purpose.

All staff at the College are considered to be character educators. We consider positive staff-student relationships as being key to the character formation and wellbeing of our students. Our staff are tasked with being both exemplars and inspirations of character virtues to our students.

Christian Learning and Service

As a Christ-centred community, the life of Jesus Christ provides the foundation from which the College draws its purpose and hope. In valuing Christ our Wisdom, the College seeks to honour Christ in every facet of College life, yet welcomes people of all faiths.

The Bible clearly compels us to love God and to love others. This truth is the foundation of our Christ-centred community. By creating a safe and supportive environment where students and staff can reflect on and discuss Christ’s teachings, we seek to engage those who are sceptical, encourage those who are seeking, and equip those who have the desire to shape their life around Christ. While each person’s relationship with God is unique, we believe that for every person, Christ is the key to unlocking wisdom that gives understanding for life.

As a Christ-centred community, the life, death and resurrection of Christ provides the foundation from which the College draws its purpose and hope. In valuing Christ our Wisdom, we seek to honour Christ in every facet of College life. Our goal is to enable individuals to know, understand and embrace the true freedom that comes from knowing Christ. William Clarke College students from Preparatory to Year 12 are given a variety of opportunities to learn more about Christ, build their understanding of Christian beliefs and practices, explore the Christian faith and potentially commit to a life with Christ.

Nurturing each student in exploring their Christian faith is the responsibility of all College staff. We welcome the opportunity to discuss, question and build our students' understanding of Christian beliefs and practices, regardless of their experience or understanding of Christianity. To this end, staff are offered the opportunity to work through Moore College PTC units together with the College Chaplain each year. Since 2014, 74 staff have completed the Introduction to the Bible course and 43 staff have gone on to do further units in the New Testament and other areas.

The College’s motto, Christ our Wisdom, is central to all that we do and all that we are. We are committed to ensuring every student has the opportunity to hear and respond to the love that is found through faith in Jesus Christ

Compound View of William Clarke College in NSW

Our Reconciliation Strategy

William Clarke College is continuing our journey, seeking to make significant contributions to reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, both locally and nationally.

In 2024, the College released its second Reconciliation Strategy, outlining the College’s commitment and planned contribution to reconciliation over the next three years, building on the foundation laid by the College’s initial Reconciliation Strategy, established in 2021. This document was developed by the College’s Reconciliation Strategy Team. This team consists of representatives from teaching staff, from professional and operational staff, and from parents and carers, all with a passion in this area. Our desire is that through the Reconciliation Strategy priorities, the College will embed practices that further support members of the College community who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, engage meaningfully and respectfully with members of the local Aboriginal community, and make contributions to the national journey towards reconciliation.

The Dharug Culture and Language Program is a key component of the Strategy, which has been developed in partnership with members of the Dharug community. In 2024, this program evolved from being delivered exclusively in Year 8 to being embedded throughout Years 7 to 12. Through the program, students engage in learning that progresses their knowledge of the culture, history and language of the Dharug people, develops their respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, culture and histories more widely, and encourages them to grow in their empathy skills as they hear stories and accounts of life for the Dharug people post contact.

To represent these initiatives and others that may stem from the Reconciliation Strategy in the future, the College commissioned an artwork. This work was completed by renowned Dharug artist, Leanne Watson. The artwork tells a story of the Dharug people, the College, and Marella - the mission that was established on the grounds where Bernie Mullane Sporting Complex is now situated, a short drive from the College. The waratahs are symbolic of healing as the College partners with the Dharug community on a journey of learning. The College looks forward to using the artwork to authentically represent our commitment to partnering with the Dharug community.

Co-Curricular Activities

As a comprehensive College, we value the holistic development of students. We strongly believe that through participation in co-curricular opportunities, students achieve a more balanced approach to their schooling.

We encourage every student to become involved or try something new, and we are well known for our dynamic co-curricular program. Designed to stretch student success beyond the classroom, our program helps to build leadership and teamwork skills and develop a sense of community and belonging in students.

Click HERE to view our full range of Co-curricular activities.

Creative and Performing Arts

We see self-confidence flourish in students who participate in our creative and performing arts programs. Whether it be singing, playing an instrument, dancing, acting, producing music, writing songs or working with others in productions, students have many opportunities to explore, develop and exhibit their creative talent outside the classroom.


Blessed with a rich history of sporting success, the College is strong across many sporting domains. There are considerable opportunities to be part of a sporting team or to represent the College individually. Students from Year 3 onwards have the opportunity to take part in competitive sporting teams. We participate in overseas Rugby and Netball tours and offer non-competitive opportunities for students across the whole College. Enjoyment is paramount and the Staff versus Student Games are a long-standing tradition at the College.

Outdoor Education

The College’s outdoor education program is designed to create outdoor learning opportunities for students to develop skills in areas such as teamwork, leadership and problem solving. The ‘great’ outdoors provides the perfect environment for students to test themselves and explore their limits. Outdoor education seeks to support young people to disconnect from their devices, experience the simplicity and beauty of nature and, by sitting silently, discover more about themselves and who God created them to be.

The College strongly supports students participating in The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, as it empowers students to explore their potential and achieve success through participation. As such, camps within the Secondary School can be used to satisfy the Adventurous Journey portion of the Bronze Award. The College’s Camp Program commences in Year 3, providing our youngest students experience in camping and the great outdoors from mid Primary.

Clubs and Activities

The Clubs and Activities program is designed to extend the individual capabilities and talents of each student. Sporting enthusiasts, music lovers, craft enthusiasts, game devotees and budding scientists have plenty of activities to choose from, while honing their skills and having fun participating. New friendships are formed and thrive through the shared endeavour of co-curricular involvement. For some students, it is the challenge and excitement of competition or performance. For others, it is quite simply the inherent joyfulness of running, playing, dancing, serving, speaking or creating.

College Life

Community Partners Program

Welcome to our Community Partners Program

A program designed to give our parents and the broader community an opportunity to contribute to College life by better utilising the vast array of talents and skills present in our community to support and enhance student learning.

Our community is a storehouse of expertise, a highway to learning opportunities for students. We are blessed with an array of skills and talents within our community that we can make use of to enable great things to happen.

A recent survey of our parents revealed that 80% of respondents were keen to contribute to areas of the College where their passions, skills and talents lie and where areas of expertise can be shared. Our parents want to be generous with their time and talents.

The below booklet outline specific areas of the College requiring Community Partners. If there is an area that you enjoy, are passionate about or have expertise in, then we would love to hear from you by completing clicking here to express your interest.

Our goal is to see many lives enriched because of the thriving partnerships within and across the William Clarke College community. We commend to you our Community Partners Program. Our community will be stronger together, for our students and for their learning.

If you are interested in becoming a Community Partner, please email our Community Engagement department letting us know how you would like to use your talents and skills in our community.

View the Community Partners Booklet

BAASC and Vacation Care

BAASC and Vacation Care Forms

Below are the necessary forms for BAASC and Vacation Care as well as instructions on setting up a BAASC/Vacation Care School EasyPay account.

Privacy Policy Standard Collection Notice BAASC Handbook BAASC Enrolment Form BAASC and Vacation Care-Easypay Parent Instructions


BAASC Information

Our College-owned and operated Before and After School Care (BAASC) provides a high quality after-hours service to College families from Preparatory to Year 6. Our well-renowned centre provides a welcoming space where children are safely cared for in a vibrant and social setting. 

Morning Session
7:00am to 8:45am
Afternoon Sessions
3:00pm to 6:00pm

Bookings can be made on a permanent or casual basis. For more information or to make a booking please contact Mrs Sandra Scoular on 0409 308 835 (answering service available after hours) or email [email protected]

To find out more about BAASC employment - see Employment Opportunities

Vacation Care Information

William Clarke College also offers a Vacation Care program throughout the year for students from Preparatory to Year 6. This service is available for students at the College and also the wider community. The Vacation Care program operates from 7:00am to 5:30pm each day.

For more information or to make a booking please contact Mrs Sandra Scoular on 0409 308 835 (answering service available after hours) or email [email protected]

Students who participate in the Vacation Care program will be required to purchase a Vacation Care polo shirt to wear on excursions. This is for identification and safety purposes. The polo shirt can be purchased instore at the College Shop or online via Connect. For inquiries please contact Mrs Rebecca Frost on 8882 2401 or [email protected]

Privacy Policy Standard Collection Notice BAASC Handbook BAASC Enrolment Form BAASC and Vacation Care-Easypay Parent Instructions

College Shop

The College operates a shop for the convenience of parents and students. The opening hours are 10am-3.45pm weekdays. At the shop you can purchase items of uniform, stationery, second hand textbooks (limited selection), pay for and collect student and personal print jobs and collect Secondary School lost property. The College Shop also provides an Online Shop for parents with access via Connect. Orders placed before 9am are ready for collection on the same day. Orders for the Primary School are delivered to their classrooms whilst Secondary students can collect orders at lunchtime or after school. Please note the College Shop is closed at recess every Friday.

Appointment System

To help us manage the number of customers in the Shop and to minimise waiting times, we ask that parents who require uniform fittings continue to make appointments via the link below or via the College Shop page on Connect. Please book each child separately if you have more than one child requiring new uniforms. They can be consecutive bookings. Your appointment/s will be confirmed by email and you can reschedule if necessary. Quick transactions no longer require an appointment. Secondary students do not need to make appointments for Shop visits at recess, lunch or after school. 

To help find your way see our College Shop map.

If you have any questions regarding the College Shop, please email [email protected] or call 8882 2401.

Visit Online College Shop Book Uniform Fitting Appointment

Employment Opportunities

William Clarke College is a collaborative and professional learning community that is committed to developing extraordinary learners characterised by a passion to serve others.

The College has a unique and vibrant staff culture, with a strong focus on character, innovation and lifelong learning. Each of these focus areas is in response to Christ our Wisdom, which compels us as a Christ-centred community to pursue exceptional outcomes in all we do.

Teacher Accreditation
Applicants for teaching positions must provide evidence of teacher accreditation from the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).

Child Protection
William Clarke College is a child safe workplace. In keeping with the College’s Culture of Safety, all applications for employment shall be subject to child protection screening.

Teaching Schools Alliance Sydney Program

William Clarke College is proud to be part of a collaborative alliance of eight schools dedicated to forging a new pathway in initial teacher education. This initiative is in partnership with Alphacrucis University College, Australia's largest Protestant-affiliated tertiary institution. Teaching Schools Alliance Sydney (TSAS) program is a unique approach to teacher formation. Modelled on the highly successful Clinical Teaching Model, this unique pathway provides practical teacher training that inducts a trainee into the art and craft of teaching, embedded within the values and ethos of the Teaching Schools Alliance Sydney schools.

As a TSAS student you will

• Work 1-day per week with a mentor teacher at a school
• Full-time Bed/MTeach online and face to face
• Shaped for a lifetime in transformative teaching
• 50% contribution to fees by your sponsor Alliance School

To find out more click the link below or email Emma Clemens, Director of TSAS, [email protected].

Teaching Schools Alliance Sydney

Current Vacancies

Click here to view current vacancies

Alumni Network

At William Clarke College we deeply value our Alumni community. You are an important part of our story and journey.

Our former students have access to a dedicated online Alumni Porta- designed for reconnecting, networking, sharing news and volunteering. Information on all College reunions and events are also managed through this site.

We invite all Alumni to join the Alumni Portal, by clicking the link below. 

We look forward to reconnecting with you.

To contact the College about Alumni please email [email protected]

To find out more on the Alumni Collection Notice click here.

Access the Alumni Portal