
Drama Toolbox Incursion

General News

Roll up, roll up! Year 1 felt the thrill and excitement of the Big Top today when they took part in a Circus Drama incursion run by The Drama Toolbox.…

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ED5International Audition Success

General News

A huge congratulations to Abbey Craig (Year 12) who has been successful in her audition to attend ED5International in 2020. Abbey will undertake a two-year Advanced Diploma Course of Performing…

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Student Representative Council

General News

Student Representative Council (SRC) met this week with our current College Captains and Vice Captains who chaired their last SRC as College leaders. SRC is designed to give our students…

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Book Week Celebrations

General News

Primary celebrated Book Week yesterday with our annual parade through the College campus led by Dr Marsh and Mr Smith. Following the parade, students attended the musical ‘Reading is my…

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2019 Science Week

General News

Last week we celebrated Science Week which focused on 50 years since the Moon Landing and The Year of the Periodical Table. Our Science Faculty ran a number of fun…

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Visual Arts Showcase 2019

General News

This year the Visual Arts Faculty is celebrating the creativity of its students in the annual Visual Arts Showcase Exhibition. This free cultural event will feature an exhibition of the…

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3-6 Camp Update

General News

Years 3-6 have been busy at camp this week. There were many outdoor explorations for Years 3 and 4, adventures by the lake for Year 5 and a memorable time…

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HZSA Athletics

General News

Congratulations to the 85 athletes who represented the College at the HZSA Athletics Carnival this week. An outstanding performance by all representatives with the College being crowned Overall Male Champion…

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Henny Penny Chicks Arrive In Kindy

General News

Henny Penny eggs have arrived in Kindy! Over the next few weeks our Kindy students will watch with excitement as the eggs hatch and the chicks appear. What a wonderful…

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Prep Visit The Branwhite Centre

General News

Over the past few days the Preppie classes met Dave the Builder from Rohrig Group, the building company contracted to construct The Branwhite Centre. Rohrig very kindly arranged for each child…

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