
Apply Now for 2021 and Beyond

General News

Did you know that the College’s Enrolment Process has undergone some changes recently? While we have always welcomed applications at any time, we are now encouraging families to apply 24…

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Primary School Showcase

General News

Some of our gifted Primary School students took to the stage on Thursday afternoon for the Semester 1 Music Showcase. We are very proud of these students who were courageous…

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Parents’ Social Morning

General News

A wonderful group of College parents braved the wintry conditions this morning to attend the Term 3 Parents’ Social Morning. While enjoying a warm cup of coffee and some delicious…

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Secondary School Assembly

General News

At the Secondary School Assembly yesterday, we celebrated those students who have shown a true commitment to learning, as well as acknowledged those students who have shown great progress in…

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Kindy Kaleidoscope Science Incursion

General News

Kindergarten enjoyed a special visit from Kaleidoscope Science today where their learning focused on air, atmosphere and weather. Students explored some of the intriguing and spectacular things air can do…

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Senior Theatresports Team


Congratulations to our Senior Theatresports team who have progressed through to the Grand Final of the 2019 Theatresports School Challenge (TSC). The TSC brings together representative teams from over 100…

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P-1 Fun Run

General News

Ready, set, go! Our youngest students took part in their very own ‘fun run’ yesterday with great excitement and energy. Their fun activities included dodging obstacles, jumping over hurdles and…

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Grandparent’s & Grandfriend’s Day

General News

Over 650 very special visitors descended upon the College this morning for our annual Primary School Grandparents’ and Grandfriends’ Day. Grandparents visited classrooms, attended an assembly and were served a…

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Grade of Origin

General News

Forget about the actual State of Origin – today was the WCC Grade of Origin with Years 11 & 12 playing for bragging rights during lunch today. The Blues (Year…

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Year 2 Excursion

General News

On Monday Year 2 stepped back in time to explore what life was like in the 1800s at Rouse Hill House and Farm. Students were able to participate in a…

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