
PA Mother’s Day Stall

General News

Thanks to our wonderful parent volunteers, Primary students were able to visit the PA Mother’s Day Stall last week to choose a perfect gift for someone very special to them.…

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Years 2-6 Cross Country Carnival

General News

Our students in Years 2-6 joined in the fun yesterday with their Cross Country Carnival which was held at Fred Caterson Reserve. Inspiring results from all age groups in our…

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2019 Major Production ‘Guys and Dolls’ – Tickets now available

Headmaster's message

I am pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for the College’s 2019 Major Production of ‘Guys and Dolls’. There will be seven performances, opening on Wednesday 15…

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Secondary Cross Country Carnival

General News

The 2019 Secondary Cross Country Carnival was held today at Fred Caterson Reserve with remarkable participation shown by all students. Competitive events were held early on in the day with…

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General News

We look forward to welcoming students back to the College next week as holidays draw to a close. Students return on the following days. A reminder that all students will…

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Family Easter Chapel Service

General News

This morning Primary celebrated Easter with a Family Chapel Service and Easter Hat Parade. Our Primary Chaplain, Mrs Stedman, wrote a special poem just for the service entitled ‘No Ordinary…

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Secondary Athletics Carnival

General News

The Secondary Athletics Carnival is under way at Blacktown International Sportspark! The Carnival is a wonderful opportunity for our College to acknowledge those students who pursue athletic endeavour, as well…

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K-12 Easter Service

General News

K-12 students and staff joined together this afternoon for our annual Easter Service. The Sports Centre came alive with over 1500 voices singing praises to our great God. Primary School…

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Staff V Student Oz Tag Match

General News

If you ask our students, who won today’s Staff v Students Oz Tag match then students won 4-3! If you ask our staff, then the winner was Oz Tag with…

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Preppie Giraffes’ Easter Hat Parade

General News

Easter celebrations commenced at the College today with the Preppie Giraffes’ Easter Hat Parade! Joined by some very special visitors, the Preppie Giraffes proudly paraded their colourful creations around the…

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