
Primary Inter-house competition

General News

Yesterday our Primary School students showcased their creativity at the Inter-House Competition. Students from each house presented one of the College virtues using drama, singing or dance. Each group gave…

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Letter to College Alumni from Dr Scott Marsh

General News

I understand there has been much discussion among some Alumni over the past week regarding the open letter I co-signed. Further to my correspondence dated Friday 2 November, I would…

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Community Mentoring Program

General News

Throughout the year, community members experienced in life, education and business have been meeting with select Year 11 participants as part of the William Clarke College Community Mentoring Program. The program concluded last…

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Update to the College Community from the Headmaster

Headmaster's message

To our College Community, I would like to thank those community members, primarily alumni, who have emailed me over the past day regarding a letter to Members of Parliament co-signed…

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Class of 1998 – 20 Year Reunion

General News

On Saturday night some of our former students from the Class of 1998 gathered together to celebrate their 20 Year Reunion. It was a fantastic night of reconnecting and reminiscing…

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Future Problem Solving success

General News

Congratulations to Year 6 student Preston who was awarded third place at the National Future Problem Solving Competition in Melbourne on the weekend. This competition develops student’s critical, creative and…

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Best wishes Year 12

General News

Best wishes to our Year 12 students who commence their HSC today! We encourage our College community to pray for strength, peace and wisdom for these students and their families…

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Seeking inspiration for new building name

General News

As part of our 30 Year Anniversary we are calling on our College community for inspiration for our next building project! We are seeking name suggestions for our new STEAM…

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Welcome to Term 4

General News

A warm welcome back to our College community! We hope everyone is feeling refreshed and ready for our final term of learning for 2018.

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Last day of Term 3

General News

As Term 3 draws to a close we wish everyone in our College community a happy and safe break. A special mention to our Year 12 students who will be…

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