Meet the Team of William Clarke College in NSW
Executive Team
The College’s senior leadership team is a group of highly qualified and experienced people, whose focus is to ensure that the College remains true to its purpose. The Executive team works collaboratively with staff, students and parents/carers to ensure the vision and strategic direction of the College is embedded into College life and each initiative.

Mr Alex Koch
Head of College

Mrs Janine Stillen
Deputy Head

Mr David Jennings
Chief Operating Officer

Mrs Jessica Yeow
Business Manager

Mr Colin Noble

Mr David Hall
Head of Curriculum

Mr Daniel Wong
Head of Strategy and Research

Mr Simon Walker
Head of Secondary School

Mr Dean Smith
Head of Primary School
College Council
William Clarke College is an independent Anglican School in the Anglican Diocese of Sydney.
The College holds to and will provide educational services within the framework of the doctrines, tenets, beliefs and teachings of the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Sydney.
The doctrines, tenets, beliefs and teachings of the Sydney Diocese can be found on their website
The College is governed by a College Council consisting of Christian men and women from various professions. The Council’s major responsibilities include planning for the future, setting policy, reviewing compliance and performance of the College, employing and empowering the Head and promoting the College’s purpose.
The College Council meets monthly during school terms and has four main sub-committees: Governance, Finance, Building and Foundation.
President: The Most Rev Kanishka De Silva Raffel, Archbishop of Sydney

Mr Alan Moran
Chair of Council, Chair of Governance, Member of Finance

Mr David Mann
Council Secretary, Chair of Building

Rev Paul Lucas
Member, Chair of Finance

Rev Kenny Liew
Member, Member of Governance

Mr Scott Hearne
Member, Member of Building

Rev Hayden Smith
Member, Member of Governance

Mr Mikel Aydin
Member, Member of Building

Mr David Reynolds
Member, Member of Governance

Mrs Rhonda Mason
Member, Member of Finance

Mrs Susan Middlebrook
Member, Member of Building

Mr Stephen Scott
Member, Member of Finance